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On Call Patents


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Start protecting your intellectual property today.

Patent Applications

Whether you need a utility patent to protect your invention or a design patent to protect your design, let us help you select the best option to protect your intellectual property.

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Apply for 20 years of protection for your invention. Always managed by a licensed patent attorney.

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Provided by Trademarks On Call®, the Patent Learning Center is for informational purposes only, not legal advice. Select a topic below to learn more about patents:

Patents | Design Patents | Provisional Applications | Utility Patents

Applying for Patents | Patent Office Actions | Patent Maintenance

Patenting your new and unique designs and inventions is the most effective way to protect and control your intellectual property. The primary types of patents issued by the U.S. Patent and Trademark (USPTO) are: 1) Design Patents, and 2) Non-Provisional Utility Patents. The type of patent you apply for depends upon the type of intellectual property you wish to protect. In addition, the Provisional Patent Application is a useful tool when seeking to protect an invention via a Non-provisional Utility Patent.

Design Patents protect original ornamental designs, which can be used on goods and elsewhere. A Design Patent enables you to exclude others from using, making or selling your unique design. A Design Patent is granted for a term of 15 years.

Learn more about Design Patents.

Provisional Patent Application protects your invention for 12 months from the date the application is filed. While an invention is considered "patent pending" during this 12 month period, the Provisional Patent Application never actually issues as a patent. Basically, a Provisional Patent Application is an inexpensive and effective placeholder that gives you time to prepare and file for a Non-Provisional Utility Patent.

Learn more about Design Patents.

Utility Patents protect new and useful inventions. Inventions that may be protected include new processes, machines, methods of manufacture, business methods, compositions of matter, and even an improvement to an existing invention. Utility Patents have a term of 20 years.

Learn more about Design Patents.

Disclaimer: Trademarks On Call is not a law firm or a substitute for an attorney or a law firm. Trademarks On Call does not provide legal advice. The information provided on this website is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice.

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On Call Attorneys / Crosby Law Classic Counsel, P.C.
1125 West Street, Suite 200 Annapolis, MD 21401


Office Hours

Mon-Fri 10am-6pm EST

On Call Attorneys / Crosby Law is a law firm.

Classic Counsel, P.C., dba On Call Attorneys and Crosby Law, 1125 West Street, Suite 200, Annapolis, MD 21401

No attorney-client relationship arises from using this site or contacting us.
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